Czechoslovak justice in the years 1948–1989 and its role in the criminal persecution of the opponents of the regime
Implementation: 2014–2018
Head of project: Jaroslav Pažout
Other members of the project team: Tomáš Bursík (ABS), Alena Šimánková, Adam Zítek (both at the National Archives)
Description of project: The project will outline the personnel composition, organization and functioning of the top judicial authorities, namely the judiciary and the prosecution. It will also look into their role in the criminal persecution of the opponents of the regime in Czechoslovakia. In addition to partial studies, three publications will be published: an edition of selected documents on the organization and operation of the top bodies of the prosecution and the judiciary; an overview of the functionaries of the top bodies of the prosecution in the years 1948–1989 (first a digital database of a lexicon, then its printed version) and a collective monograph Proměny politicky motivované trestněprávní perzekuce v Československu v letech 1948–1989 (Transformations of the Politically Motivated Criminal Persecution in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1989).