International Conference “Security Apparatus, Propagandism and Prague Spring”
- Programme and Abstracts of the conference download here (PDF, 378 kB).
- Location: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Event starts on: September 7, 2008
- Event ends on: September 9, 2008
- Language: English, Czech, Polish
- Organizer: Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (CZ), Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (HUN), Institute of National Remembrance (POL)
Important dates
Last day for submission of abstract: May 15, 2008 Program close: June 30, 2008
- Registration form (doc 25,0 kB)
- Registration form (rtf 10,0 kB)
Call for papers details
The conference focuses on the activities of security apparatus, on propagandist pictures and on reaction and attitudes of political elites from neighbouring countries to Prague spring. The conference will be structured in seven thematic panels (see bellow). Short abstracts send please to by May 15, 2008.
The conference will be structured in 7 panels:
- Panel 1: Europe and Prague Spring in 1968 (reaction to Prague Spring and attitudes of political elites, influence of Czech circumstances to them)
- Panel 2: Security Apparatus in Soviet Satellites and the Prague Spring
- Panel 3: Security Apparatus in Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring
- Panel 4: Occupation of Czechoslovakia (role of security apparatus of Soviet satellites, activities of pro-soviet part of Czech security apparatus)
- Panel 5: Round Table Discussion with Witnesses (Czechs and Slovaks)
- Panel 6: Second life of Prague Spring (interpretation of Prague Spring, commissive disinformation of security apparatus, official propagandism of states participating in occupation)
- Panel 7: Round Table Discussion with Witnesses (from States Participating in Occupation)
Submission/Contact Address
Mgr. Katka Volná Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů Havelkova 2 130 00 Praha 2 Tel.: +420 221 008 211 Fax.: +420 222 715 738 Email: